
cotton tree 木棉(樹)。

cotton waste

It is located next to cotton tree drive in central and covers an area of 8 hectares . you can find facilities , like aviary , conservatory , tai chi garden and garden plaza in the park , so it s a good environment for nearby staff to take a break . the cotton tree drive marriage register office in the park is one of the most famous venues for marriage in hong kong 香港公園于1991年5月啟用,位于中環紅綿道,占地達8公頃,設有觀鳥園、溫室、太極園及花園廣場等多項設施,正好是附近工作的市民忙里偷閑的一個好去處,在其內的婚姻登記處更是港人最喜歡的結婚勝地之一。

The marriage ceremony service in the afternoon of september 6 and november 8 , 2003 at the city hall marriage registry , the cotton tree drive marriage registry , the tsim sha tsui marriage registry and the sha tin marriage registry will be extended until 1900 hours on these two days . as a result , a total of 230 appointments will be available on each of these two auspicious saturdays 大會堂婚姻登記處、紅棉路婚姻登記處、尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處在九月六日及十一月八日(星期六)下午的婚禮服務,更將會延長至下午七時正。這安排會令在這四所婚姻登記處在這兩天可舉行婚禮的總名額各增至230個。

If you are travelling along connaught road central eastbound near admiralty , you can head for the western tunnel by turning right at junction of connaught road central and cotton tree drive to cotton tree drive southbound , then do a u - turn to cotton road drive northbound at the slip road before the junction with queensway , turn left to lambeth walk onto chater road , then turn right to jackson road onto connaught road central westbound 在干諾道中紅綿道交界處轉右沿紅綿道南行,在金鐘道路口前的支路掉頭沿紅綿道北行,轉左沿琳寶徑往遮打道,轉右沿昃臣道及干諾道中西行往西隧。

The immigration department s spokesman further said that in order to meet the demand of service , the cotton tree drive marriage registry , the tsim sha tsui marriage registry and the sha tin marriage registry will also extend their marriage ceremony service on the two saturday afternoons on november 1 and december 13 , 2003 入境事務處發言人補充:紅棉路婚姻登記處、尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處亦會于十一月一日及十二月十三日(星期六)下午提供婚禮服務。連同前述延長上午婚禮服務時間的安排,這兩天在婚姻登記處舉行婚禮的總名額會各增加至174個。

Inside this booklet are two stamp sheetlets . each stamp sheetlet bears two stamps depicting two types of trees commonly found in hong kong . they are bauhinia blakeana ( $ 1 . 30 ) and chinese banyan ( $ 2 . 50 ) on one sheetlet ; and cotton tree ( $ 3 . 10 ) and schima ( $ 5 . 00 ) on the other 該珍貴郵票小冊子闡述中電在過去一百年的發展,珍貴郵票小冊子內有兩張郵票小型張,每張小型張附有兩枚分別描繪香港常見的樹木的郵票,一張小型張上附有洋紫荊(一元三角)及細葉榕(二元五角)郵票,另一張則附有木棉(三元一角)及荷樹(五元)郵票。

Notice is hereby given that in order to further enhance the service to the public , the cotton tree drive marriage registry , tsim sha tsui marriage registry and sha tin marriage registry will extend their marriage ceremony service to the afternoon from 2 p . m . to 4 . 45 p . m . on the following saturdays : - 現公布入境事務處為進一步改善為市民提供的服務,紅棉路婚姻登記處、尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處將延長婚禮服務時間,在下列星期六下午亦會辦公,時間由二時至四時四十五分:

The marriage registration and records office provides services for marriage notices of marriages to be celebrated at city hall marriage registry and cotton tree drive marriage registry , certificates of absence of marriage records and certified copies of marriage certificates 婚姻登記事務及紀錄辦事處提供的服務包括:接受擬在大會堂婚姻登記處及紅棉路婚姻登記處舉行婚禮的擬結婚通知書和簽發無結婚紀錄證明書及結婚證書的核證副本。

Notice is hereby given that in order to further enhance the service to the public , the cotton tree drive marriage registry , tsim sha tsui marriage registry and sha tin marriage registry will extend their marriage ceremony service to the afternoon on the following saturdays : - 現公布入境事務處為進一步改善為市民提供的服務,紅棉路婚姻登記處、尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處將延長婚禮服務時間,在下列星期六下午亦會辦公:

Renovation of sheung wan elevated walkway , subway across cotton tree drive near murray building , footbridge across cotton tree drive near fairmont building in central , and two footbridges across harbour road east of fleming road in wan chai 上環高架行人路,中環橫跨紅棉路近美利大廈之行人隧道和近東昌大廈之行人天橋,以及灣仔兩條橫跨港灣道而在菲林明道東面之行人天橋翻新工程

Applicants should send the application form by fax 2810 0021 or by post to the assistant curator , flagstaff house museum of tea ware , 10 cotton tree drive , central , hong kong and marked “ booking for 預約后必須在三日內確定申請,并把團體報名表及有關之證明文件傳真至2810 0021 ,或寄往香港紅棉路10號茶具文物館助理館長收

By fax ( 2810 0021 ) or by post to the assistant curator , flagstaff house museum of tea ware , 10 cotton tree drive , central , hong kong and marked “ looking for wuwo tea ceremony “ on the envelope 來函請寄香港中區紅棉路10號茶具文物館助理館長收,信封面注明無我茶會預約字樣,或傳真至28100021

The cotton tree drive marriage registry , tsim sha tsui marriage registry and sha tin marriage registry will extend their marriage ceremony service on several saturday afternoons next year 2005年9月30日紅棉路婚姻登記處尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處將于來年數個星期六下午延長婚禮服務時間。

By fax 2810 0021 or by post to the assistant curator , flagstaff house museum of tea ware , 10 cotton tree drive , central , hong kong and marked “ looking for wuwo tea ceremony “ on the envelope 來函請寄香港中區紅棉路10號茶具文物館助理館長收,信封面注明無我茶會預約字樣,或傳真至2810 0021

The cotton tree drive marriage registry , tsim sha tsui marriage registry and sha tin marriage registry will extend their marriage ceremony service on several saturday afternoons next year 紅棉路婚姻登記處、尖沙咀婚姻登記處及沙田婚姻登記處將于來年數個星期六下午延長婚禮服務時間。

By fax to 2810 0021 or by mail to the assistant curator , flagstaff house museum of tea ware , 10 cotton tree drive , central , hong kong and marked “ docent booking “ on the envelope 郵寄至香港中區紅棉路十號茶具文物館助理館長收,信封面請注明導賞團預約字樣或傳真至28100021 。

By fax to 2810 0021 or by mail to the assistant curator , flagstaff house museum of tea ware , 10 cotton tree drive , central , hong kong and marked “ docent booking “ on the envelope 郵寄至香港中區紅棉路十號茶具文物館助理館長收,信封面請注明導賞團預約字樣或傳真至2810 0021 。

The cotton tree drive marriage registry provides services for marriage ceremonies , certified copies of marriage certificates and certificates of absence of marriage records 紅棉路婚姻登記處提供的服務包括:舉行婚禮、簽發結婚證書的核證副本和無結婚紀錄證明書。

The tsim sha tsui , cotton tree drive and sha tin marriage registries will extend their marriage ceremony service to saturday afternoon on 18 auspicious days in 2005 尖沙咀、紅棉路及沙田婚姻登記處將于二零零五年的十八個吉日延長婚禮服務時間至星期六下午。

A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk - cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows , mattresses , and life preservers 木棉一種絹狀纖維,從木棉樹的果實中提取出來,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕頭,褥墊和救生用具中的墊料